IMG Soucr : http://time.com/5072011/bill-gates-best-stories-2017/
With a net worth of approximately $78.9 billion, Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates is one of the wealthiest man in the world. He has been quite a phenomenon since he started a computer revolution in the 1980s. As a result of his wealth, he has all of the toys you would expect from one of the world's richest man, from private jet to 66,000 square foot home. Inspiringly, he does not use his wealth only for his personal gain, but also to do good to others through philanthropy work, donating billons of dollars to charity projects via the 'Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation'.
While most media / website would share all the good things about leadership, finance, or successful steps that people can learn from Gates. In this article, let's get a different perspective and more personal approach to the life of Bill Gates that are considered as interesting facts and probably you have never heard about.
He is a social media savvy. Maybe you think a billionaire wouldn't bother to touch social media, but surprisingly Gates is unlike any other billionaires. He owns personal account on both Twitter and Facebook. He even admitted to one of the interviews with a media that his friend requests on Facebook got out of hand.
In doing his parenting role, Gates is a “hands-on” father figure who never spoil his children. Although he is obviously has the ability to give his children anything that they desire. Gates works very hard to make sure that his family life is not affected by his fortune. The children are given chores and when the time comes, they are expected to choose their own job and work like any other mediocres.
Other interesting facts about his billionaire life are that he owns historic artifacts of Da Vinci, Abraham Lincoln and Isaac Newton. He is also apparently a close friend of Bono U2, given the fact that Bono stayed at his home one time when the band was playing in Seattle, in which Gates attended together with his daughter and three of her friends.
This one might come a bit as a surprise, because Gates listens to Bruno Mars & Lady Gaga. Even though these artists may not top his “most played” list, he certainly knows and aware of who they are because of his children. His three kids (Jennifer (15), Rory (12) and Phoebe (9)) teased him when they sing the lyrics of Bruno Mars'“Billionaire” to him at home.
Apparently, despite of his great fortune Gates has been successfully living a quite decent and ordinary life by treating his children like any other normal children and by keeping a quite modest lifestyle. This man is definitely has a real example to be followed if you happen to be lucky enough to experience that level of wealth.